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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Story: A Mother & Daughter Diabetes Support Team / Story: A Mother & Daughter Diabetes Support Team

I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at the age of 4. It was the toughest time in mine and my family’s life, as it is for all children and the people who love them. One of my hardest times was in the hospital. It was hard for me to understand that every shot and finger poke was not the last one. That this was now a part of my new life. I looked at my mom with big tears in…

Read More Read More / Story: Marsha’s Story / Story: Marsha’s Story

Last August I was able to take my daughter to see Bret at Hampton Beach in NH. We were lucky enough to get his autographed hat & on his bus, it was the absolute best night of my life. I have admired Bret for so long and I absolutely adore, admire, respect & find strength through him and his music. That 20 mins he gave us his full attention, I was in such shock I could hardly talk. 2 weeks…

Read More Read More / Story: Michelle Finds Inspiration In Bret / Story: Michelle Finds Inspiration In Bret

This is an update to how I am doing. We are 30 days from you performing at the Pima county fair in Tucson, AZ. I recently told you I have degenerative disc disease and degenerative spinal arthritis. I had back surgery 3 weeks ago and I’ve been doing all my exercises and walking around 2 miles each day. So far in the past month and a half I have lost 28 pounds and I can fit into my new dress…

Read More Read More / Story: Rylan Looks Forward To Diabetes Camp / Story: Rylan Looks Forward To Diabetes Camp

Hi Bret! This is Rylan, I have type 1 diabetes my and my grandma has it too. Camp is one of the most fun things. Not only to help with my diabetes and seizures, but my mom has been missing for almost 2 years and camp is one place I can go to stop thinking about it. All my friends are there so it’s nice to go and see them too. Thank you for sending me to diabetes camp this…

Read More Read More Story: Rebecca Realizes The Importance Of Diabetes Camp Story: Rebecca Realizes The Importance Of Diabetes Camp

Rebecca will sacrifice everything to attend Camp Kudzu for a week in the summer. Camp Kudzu is for diabetics only. Rebecca, now 15 years old insists that camp is the only place she feels normal. Every camper takes insulin, counts carbs and checks blood sugar. Diabetes does not hinder the craziness and fun of camp; plus there are no parents hovering over her. As for the rest of our family, we are incredibly thankful for Bret Michaels and the Life…

Read More Read More / Story: Sam Finds Inspiration In Bret To Fight Diabetes / Story: Sam Finds Inspiration In Bret To Fight Diabetes

I am Samantha, I have been diabetic now for 30years, type 1 so I’ve had my share of illness. I am riddled with Neuropathy now the recent being Autonomic Neuropathy, I have worked in radio for 22 years of my life and loved it with such passion, but since getting Neuropathic joint disease in 2009 and my bones in my legs just crumbling I have been unable to work for the past 2 years. Through many long operations and metal…

Read More Read More / Story: A Daughter’s Diabetic Doll Petition / Story: A Daughter’s Diabetic Doll Petition

In August of last year we started noticing a change in our 11 year old daughter. She was very cranky and others commented on how much water she was drinking. She was always complaining that she didn’t feel well often and began snapping at her family. We blamed it on hormones and hoped she would go back to her happy self soon. When we left for a week vacation to go to my brother’s wedding in Colorado I was shocked…

Read More Read More / Story: Shelley Finds Inspiration In Bret / Story: Shelley Finds Inspiration In Bret

In my first letter to you in 2012, I had just returned from your concert appearance in Peachtree City, Georgia. It was one of the most memorable nights of my life. You are a fighter, a champion, and a beautiful talented soul with your passion for helping people and animals. I recall in my first letter, I mentioned I was having health issues and pain, and from what at that time I had no idea, and I could barely get…

Read More Read More / Story: Local Hero Presents Bret With Military Honor / Story: Local Hero Presents Bret With Military Honor

The presentation was made after Bret’s concert in Texas. When I walked up to present Bret with this military flag honor, he had a very serious look and listened very closely to what I was saying. At the point I was ready to present the shadow box, he stopped me, grabbed some of people that were in the room and said “you have to see this, this is insane” and somewhat brought the room to quiet. I gave a short…

Read More Read More / Story: A Family Finds Inspiration / Story: A Family Finds Inspiration

We are a big fan of Bret Michaels . My husband found out in 1999 that he was a diabetic 2 and takes shots . My daughter is a make a wish child and she has full blown crohn’s and lost her colon when she was very young. She is now 10 years old and has to have another surgery, but she is a very strong well child. In Las Vegas, NV she was the youngest child to lose her…

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