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Tag: Team Bret Michaels Feel Good Friday Story Feel Good Friday Story

With all the stories in the news as of late that are of sadness and tragedy, we thought we’d end the week on a high note with an uplifting, positive story of our friend Johnny Kocisko and his mother Linda who brought pizzas to victims and workers affected by recent storms and tornadoes this past week. Great job Johnny and Linda! – Team Bret Do you have a story of giving back, supporting charities, overcoming obstacles, a story of strength,…

Read More Read More Thanks My Fox Phoenix 10 for helping raise awareness about the folks in Pilger, Nebraska Thanks My Fox Phoenix 10 for helping raise awareness about the folks in Pilger, Nebraska

Team Bret Michaels would like to thank Fox 10 in Phoenix for helping to raise awareness about the good people of Pliger, Nebraska as they re-build after tornadoes destroyed 75% of their town last week. If you have the means to volunteer your time or make a donation to help, please do. Please click HERE to watch video from yesterday when Bret went to assist with the clean up efforts. – Team Bret ********** Do you have a story of…

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Dear Bret, First I want to say that myself and my daughter are sooo happy that you are feeling better and pray that you stay that way! I just wanted to write this because although I am not diabetic or have or had cancer, I have lost my mother to breast and bone cancer 29 years ago and my Aunt to diabetic complications 2 years ago, I know what it is to be the caregiver to two people I loved…

Read More Read More Story: Kendall & Carly Rock Type 1 Diabetes Story: Kendall & Carly Rock Type 1 Diabetes

Kendall and Carly, both type 1 diabetics. Kendall is rockin’ her new insulin pump and BMB t shirt that Bret autographed for her. The girls are very excited because we just purchased tickets to see the BMB at the Hendricks County Fair on July 12! Much love, Tammy and Sara Do you have a story of giving back, supporting charities, overcoming obstacles, a story of strength, inspiration through music to battle through setbacks or illness? We’d like to hear and…

Read More Read More Story: Family Thanks Bret For Sending Hannah To Diabetes Summer Camp Story: Family Thanks Bret For Sending Hannah To Diabetes Summer Camp

Our daughter Hannah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes just after her 6th birthday 6-19-08. There have been many ups and downs in the last 5 1/2 yrs. Hannah has been a trooper. She did not like the routine of 5 or more shots per day and wanted to be on the insulin pump. Two weeks before her 7th birthday, she was put on it. She was then later taken off of it (2-13) because of dosing herself causing hypoglycemia. She was having a hard…

Read More Read More Story: Abby Thanks Bret For Sending Her To Diabetes Camp Story: Abby Thanks Bret For Sending Her To Diabetes Camp

My name is Abby and this past summer I had the privilege of getting to meet you at your concert in Charlotte, North Carolina. I’m fourteen years old and living with the challenges of Type 1 Diabetes and you generously sponsored me to go to the best camp I’ve ever been to in my life. I have never been to diabetes camp until this year and it greatly exceeded my expectations. I cannot wait to go back and see all…

Read More Read More Story: Scott & Heather’s Beautiful Soul Story: Scott & Heather’s Beautiful Soul

I’d like to share my beautiful story regarding how Bret Michaels provided me with strength, inspiration, and true compassion. I was married to my absolute best friend and soul mate, Heather Ramsey. Our second date took place at a concert where no other then Bret Michaels performed. We had both been long time fans of his music. It was an amazing evening and Heather and I had the awesome experience of seeing him perform. Of course, we saved our ticket…

Read More Read More Story: Bill & Kellie’s Story Of Survival Story: Bill & Kellie’s Story Of Survival

Our story is not only a tale of survival, but of redemption. One year ago, on our way home from work on a Saturday night, my wife and I were struck head-on, by an oncoming car at speeds in excess of 60 mph both ways. For whatever reason, a lady crossed the center line and the rest, as they say is history. My knee was smashed into literally a hundred pieces. I was barely able to talk the Dr. out…

Read More Read More / Story: Elizabeth’s Story Of Survival / Story: Elizabeth’s Story Of Survival

I would like to share my story of survival. It’s been a rough 2 years. First my Father passed away, then I was diagnosed with Stage IIIc Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. First step into the unknown, doctors were not sure if chemo would work, we were hoping we caught it soon enough. At the time of diagnosis I was working as a Special Education Assistant and it brought back memories of Bret. I share a bit of history with him, back…

Read More Read More / Story: Kindra Stays Positive About Diabetes / Story: Kindra Stays Positive About Diabetes

I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at the age of 4. It was the toughest time in mine and my family’s life, as it is for all children and the people who love them. One of my hardest times was in the hospital. It was hard for me to understand that every shot and finger poke was not the last one. That this was now a part of my new life. I looked at my mom with big tears in…

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