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Tag: Team Bret Michaels

Your Story: Paulette Durrenberger

Your Story: Paulette Durrenberger

I LOVE your dedication to helping those afflicted with diabetes. I think it would be a great idea for you to use your celebrity status to help organize a ground-breaking movement to give attention to the fact that Type 2 diabetes is totally preventable and reversible…you could also give the spotlight on the research (Not by the AMA in the U.S.A.., by the way) that is discovering the root cause of Juvenile diabetes and its treatment/prevention….think of your Global family…

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Your Story: Mary

Your Story: Mary

I come from a family of skinny “old age” type 2 (or 1.5?) diabetics. As I approach my 6th decade, my blood sugar has started to creep up and my doctor told me to get my A1c numbers down! I bought my first glucometer and used the following two resources to understand just how to fight this blood sugar condition. 1) 2007 & 2011 editions of Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution (he is a type 1) 2) Blood Sugar 101 by…

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Your Story: Kris Gunder

Your Story: Kris Gunder

Dear Bret, I wanted to thank you for the time you spent talking with my husband is Scottsdale, AZ. Our daughter was diagnosed at 20 months and is now 16 years old. We were given an opportunity for our daughter, Taylee to attend camp but at the time the opportunity came the camp was in session. Unfortunately next year she will be over 17yrs of age and the cut off age is 16 yrs. Our family would like to thank…

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Keturah’s Story

Keturah’s Story

My name is Keturah and I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic at the age of 3 and I am now 37. My road has been bumpy,but God is keeping me alive for some reason not yet known. My first hospital stay after my diagnosis was at age 10 and I had strep throat on top of my Glucometer malfunctioning. I was then switched from one shot of pork insulin to two shots of Humilin insulin. I did good…

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Bettyann – Her Story

Bettyann – Her Story

I have been a type 1 Diabetic now for 10yrs with the oneset at age 38. Meeting Bret Michaels in person last yr was a dream come true. He is very Inspirational to me with his positive attitude and donations for this disease that we live with daily. It has it’s ups and downs but Bret gives us all hope and to “keep” going on besides all the struggles we suffer with. I did my first Step Out And Walk…

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Alexis – Her Story

Alexis – Her Story

Hi everyone my name is Alexis, I am 14 years old and a sophomore at Westminster Senior High in Westminster, Maryland. In October 2008 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I arrived at Carroll Hospital Center very very sick. My breathing was very heavy, my eyes were heavy with dark circles around them, I had dropped a significant amount of weight instantaneously. Within 5 minutes of arriving at the hospital we were told I had the onset of Type…

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Your Story: Diana DeAtley

Your Story: Diana DeAtley

I was diagnosed at age 11 with Type 1 diabetes. It has been an uphill battle my whole life. I really can relate to what Brett has gone through too. I get so excited when I see on FaceBook that he checks his blood Sugars, and is not afraid to say I have diabetes. I know it sounds weird. I am just glad that he has been such an inspiration to me, through him I follow the dreams that I…

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Your Story: Stephanie Cleveland

Your Story: Stephanie Cleveland

My son Thomas was diagnosed when he was 10 years old with diabetes. It has been a roller coaster ride with 2 life threatening emergencies where low blood sugar almost took his life and at least one time where high blood sugar hospitalized him in intensive care for 3 days. But through it all there has NEVER been one time where he has complained about his disease and now he is a father of a beautiful baby girl named Lian…

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Your Story: Scott Stewart

Your Story: Scott Stewart

When my daughter Lauren was diagnosed with Type 1 we didn’t really know what to do or even expect, she was only 8 years old. The thought of pricking fingers and injecting insulin was too much to comprehend. She is now 15 years old, a freshman @ El Dorado High in Kansas. We still struggle from time to time, but with camp we have built quite a support system. A few years ago, someone told me about the Tour de…

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Your Story: Melissa M. Windsor

Your Story: Melissa M. Windsor

I was born Jan 8, 1965 (Elvis’ birthday) I was born with what is known as a hole in the heart. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 1968, still have the original letter somewhere dating that. I had to have antibiotics before any dental work. In May of 1983 I was diagnosed with a bad case of the flu. This actually was a bad staph infection which entered my pulmonary system. This complicated matters with my heart defect…

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