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Tag: Team Bret Michaels

Your Story: Dani Howard

Your Story: Dani Howard

Hello my name is Dani and I just want to tell you about my wonderful goddaughter Megan.She was diagnosed at age 4 with diabetes.Her mom had dropped her off to stay with my parents and me for the weekend and she was sick.At first we thought that it was just a flu bug she had and that it would pass in a couple of days.But she continued to get extremely worse during the first night she was with us so…

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Colby’s Story

Colby’s Story

hello my name is coolly i am a 26 year old female. i have been a type 1 diabetic since the age of 2. i am a wife and a mother to a wonderful little boy. i have been having a really hard time, no one in my family is a diabetic and they have no idea how i feel. i would like to thank you bret for going on the doctors monday nov 7 because your speech really did…

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Cindy’s Story

Cindy’s Story

My son Alexander was diagnosed at 12 with Type 1. In the beginning he really took control and cared about his disease. My husband and I have made him independent, but now that he is in college (he is in his second year of college) he seems to not care anymore. If he is high he just says oh well. He is turning 20 on Dec. 24 so he has lived with this disease for almost 8 years!!!My question is…

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Chris Robb – His Story

Chris Robb – His Story

Do you think your job is stressful? I have no time off. I have no memory of what sleeping all night even means! A Monday is the same as any other day of the week to me. It makes no difference to me if the sun is shining or if it’s raining or snowing or blowing 50mph. I don’t eat right and by far do not get the exercise I should. I have no social life, because to make plans…

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Christopher – His Story

Christopher – His Story

This is my wife’s aunt, She was a Diabetic taking shots daily, Her blood sugar was never under 300 even though she was taking shots, She moved in with Me and my wife, while taking care of her we were able to keep her sugar in the 100 range. Her doctor told us the whole time he was treating her he had never seen her blood sugar that low and that we were doing a great job.

Billy – His Story

Billy – His Story

Hey Bret…I found out I was type 1 diabetic 23 years ago when I was 18…. and I was bummed! It was 1988 and I remember that first week after finding out that I was diabetic I somehow found out that you were also. I was already a huge Poison fan and from that day on after knowing that you were a diabetic also… some weird way it made it kinda cool. I know that sounds crazy, but it eased…

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Your Story: Shari Ventura

Your Story: Shari Ventura

We just found out last March that my daughter, 7 years old, was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes. All I could think about was you and your daughter. I was watching your show as you were going through it when your daughter got diagnosed. I still wake up thinking that it was just a dream. I cry often as I feel bad for what she has to deal with. She now is doing well and it’s me who has a hard…

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Your Story: Shanna

Your Story: Shanna

I was watching Bret on the Doctors just now about staying positive with diabetes and how to give people hope. I agree and love to offer support as well. I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes at age 16. Hard age….I wanted to go out with my friends and I was just coming to the age of independence. I was feeling the opposite. I had to rely more on my parents and the doctors. I was admitted to the Children’s…

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Your Story: Robert Smith

Your Story: Robert Smith

Hello Brett, I know you probably will not get this message. However I feel compelled to thank you for your appearance on “The Doctors” today. I feel a kinship with you as I am also 48 with type 1 Diabetes. I also have a family and many stories of Diabetic survival.. I got diabetes at age 10. I remember many times thinking I was dreaming and my dreams were reality.Insulin reactions many ambulance rides and feeling I can conquer anything…

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Your Story: Priscilla Boatright

Your Story: Priscilla Boatright

Hello. My name is Priscilla and just like every parent I want the best for my children. To grow up without any worries (like I did) but on May 21st 2010 our world was turned upside down when my daughter Lauren was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 6. We were already having a pretty bad year since my father was very ill and only three months after my daughter’s diagnoses he passed away. I still remember…

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