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Tag: Team Bret Michaels

Your Story: Don

Your Story: Don

Borderline by Don Over the past 2-3 years, I have been diagnosed as being ‘borderline’ type 2 diabetes. Although I know I should be exercising and eating more healthy foods, I can’t seem to get started. I know that the longer I wait, the more risk I have of becoming diabetic, and thereby having to get on meds. Any advice as to how I can get off my butt & start doing instead of ‘wishing’?

Your Story: Dean P

Your Story: Dean P

Inspired by Dean P Hi my name is Dean and I am a 13yr old type one diabetic. I got diagnosed for my 6th birthday party worst birthday present everĀ. After about 2 yrs I went on the pump and accepted that I have diabetes and have taken over most of the care for myself. I feel happy with diabetes and the care I am getting. I have met a lot of great people because of having diabetes. Iv met…

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Your Story: Rita DiCarlo

Your Story: Rita DiCarlo

Live Kidney Donor and (Sugar-free) Candy Maker   “PIZZA is 4 Suckers” by Rita DiCarlo, November 2, 2011 HI! I am a live kidney donor to my friend in Detroit 10-03-07. Best day of my life! I am also a dialysis nurse and have a doctorate degree as a chiropractor. I love your website! **I am jumping ahead of myself by saying anything but, I am really so touched by all of the charitable work you do. I am working…

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Your Story: Melinda Rouse

Your Story: Melinda Rouse

Empowered by Melinda Rouse November 5, 2011 I was diagnosed with diabetes 37 years ago at the age of 9.I managed to overcome a million obstacles and have 4 sons. My youngest son Brennan was diagnosed with diabetes on June 22nd, 2011. It was the most depressing, life altering day of my life, but I give thanks that I at least understand every day to day challenge of this disease.And I have been successful in challenging our HMO insurance company…

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Caleb – Enjoying and Living Life

Caleb – Enjoying and Living Life

by Jenny Reifsteck, November 18, 2011 Hi, I am the mom of 4 year old Caleb. This May Caleb was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It was one of the worst days of our lives, but has in no way stopped us from enjoying and living life. One week our son got a cold. Never did we think this would lead to discovering his condition. On a Friday night Caleb was sleeping on the floor when he woke up coughing,…

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Your Story: Julie

Your Story: Julie

I am 27 years old, and i got diabetes in 2005. I have struggled with the fact that i have type 1 diabetes. Recently i had an eye opener. I was admitting into the ICU for the 2nd time with DKA. While i was laying there the only thing i could think about was my two young children, and how if anything happened to me, they would grow up with out a mom. From that time forward i made a…

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Your Story: Jason

Your Story: Jason

Well it was Jan 8 2011, my son Jason was in the ER, 48 hrs. prior with a dx with upper respitory infection and the flu, he was 18 months old. We were instructed to bring him back in 24-48 hours if he didn’t get better. I will never forget as it was super bowl weekend, he was extremely lethargic and his eyes were rolling back into his head and throwing up. I told my wife we had to take…

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Your Story: Tammy and Isabelle Hargett

Your Story: Tammy and Isabelle Hargett

My name is Tammy; I am the mother of a type 1 diabetic. My daughter is Isabelle and was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 8 years old; she is now 14. I am a single mom caring for my daughter almost alone for the past ten years, six of which she had diabetes. It is stressful, worrisome, heart-warming at times, and it is the card we have been dealt. After returning to school as an adult, I still cannot…

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Your Story: Edward Rodriguez

Your Story: Edward Rodriguez

I met Bret Michaels by chance at the half marathon in Philadelphia on September 18, 2011. I knew about Bret Michaels, because of his music and because we shared something in common, we both had a Cerebral Hemorrhage. I was very excited to meet with him! I looked up to Bret for the courage it took to pick right back up from where he left off and continue his work after his hemorrhage. After our meeting, I started to learn…

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Your Story: Debbie Manning

Your Story: Debbie Manning

I’m Debbie, 44 years old from Texas. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2007 while in the hospital recovering from major abdominal surgery. I was completely shocked by the news, and it was very hard for me to accept. I was a mixture of emotions, and it’s been an up and down hill battle for me. I take only oral medication right now, but have needed insulin several times since being diagnosed. Diabetes is a constant battle, and…

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