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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Life Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Rachel’s Inspiration Fuels Her Fight / Life Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Rachel’s Inspiration Fuels Her Fight

Our daughter Rachel has been a diabetic for 25 years now and unfortunately, it has taken a toll on her body. She is blind, in kidney failure, on dialysis and lost half of her left leg due to this horrible disease. Last summer, Rachel had the honor and privilege to meet Bret and Patrick at his concert and had the time of her life. Not to long ago, Rachel was in the hospital and received a very special call from Bret and Patrick. They gave…

Read More Read More Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Michelle & Kenden Send Their Appreciation. Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Michelle & Kenden Send Their Appreciation.

Dear Bret, We just wanted to send you a HUGE THANK YOU for sending my son Kenden to diabetes camp. I did not say anything to Kenden when I sent in the application and when Patrick called me to tell me that you would be sending Kenden to camp I was about to cry, but I held it together on the phone. After Patrick and I hung up, I had to sit down and take it all in, overwhelmed I…

Read More Read More Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Grace Stays Strong Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Grace Stays Strong

Hi Bret, My name is Grace,  I am a 4 year old girl who last month I was told I have Type 1 diabetes. I take 2 shots in the morning and 2 in the evening. My Mom took me to the hospital because my I wasn’t feeling well. The doctor told my Mom I am a strong girl and lucky. My Mom is a big fan and listens to you all the time and has seen you in concert twice. I like your…

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Get your health on by accepting my GoodChime challenge and check out an updated “Michaels Law” photo.

Get your health on by accepting my GoodChime challenge and check out an updated “Michaels Law” photo.

Join me and learn how I stay fit while managing diabetes. Accept my challenge in search for a healthier, more active life by visiting my GoodChime channel. Click below to “Get Your Health On”. Click HERE to visit my channel and accept my challenge. – Bret “Road Dog” Michaels featured story of the day. featured story of the day.

My name is Summer. I am 6 years old and on Feb 4, 2013 I found out that I had Type 1 diabetes and hypothyroidism. I think that is the same age as Bret when he found out. My Grandpa has had Type 1 for the last 25 years so myself and my mom were very familiar with diabetes. (My mom says thats why I was so brave in the hospital.) The doctors told my family that I had it only…

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Cassie Attends Diabetes Summer Camp

Cassie Attends Diabetes Summer Camp

After a fun family vacation up in Duluth MN this weekend we headed to Camp Needlepoint in Hudson WI today to drop our 10 year old daughter Cassie off at diabetes camp. She was excited but at the same time a little nervous about staying a whole week . I reassured her it was going to be an incredible experience & she was going to meet so many new friends. On Friday night, as part of her birthday present I…

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Something To Believe In: Melissa’s Story

Something To Believe In: Melissa’s Story

A couple of years ago, I was in a car accident where the driver left me for dead. Even though I had a seat belt on, I flew into the windshield. I had to have my right ear and eyelid re-attached. I broke 3 ribs, dislocated my right shoulder, chipped 2 vertebrae and was bruised internally. I missed 3 months of work. I had to learn to walk again, use my right arm and just heal. The worst part of…

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Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday, a day to give support to a charity or organization dedicated to making a change for the better in the world. There are lots of ways to make a difference and give today, from children’s charities to animal charities to community programs – you can make a difference in a life by giving your time or a donation. At Team Bret Michaels, giving back is something we do everyday through the Life Rocks Foundation. Children’s Cancer,…

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Christine & Justin’s Story

Christine & Justin’s Story

Justin was diagnosed with type 1, juvenile diabetes on 9/23/09, at the age of 5 1/2. Being checked in to University of Chicago Kovler Diabetes Clinical Research Center later today, for several days, to transition off of insulin pump and put on oral diabetes meds to manage his diabetes. Doctors suspect Justin has a genetic form of diabetes called Monogenic Diabetes or Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY). Should know by Friday if Justin’s body is going to respond…

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Bret is truly an inspiration and a wonderful human!

Bret is truly an inspiration and a wonderful human!

My name is Tricia. I have been a fan of Bret Michaels and Poison since they started. In March of 2000 I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I was having a difficult time coming to terms with everything. In June of 2000 I was lucky enough to meet Bret backstage in Toronto,ON Canada. We got to talking about Diabetes and I told him that I had just recently been diagnosed. He had so many encouraging things to say and…

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