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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Summer & Noah Find Inspiration / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Summer & Noah Find Inspiration

Dear Bret, I am a single mom who had to put my life on hold to raise my 9 year old son who was born with kidney damage. The doctors said he wasn’t supposed to survive. He is a true miracle child. Noah had a kidney transplant 3 years ago at Cincinnati Childrens hospital. It was touch and go for a while. I had used your music during some of my darkest hours of not knowing how things would turn…

Read More Read More / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Sam meets Bret on the stoop / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Sam meets Bret on the stoop

Sam’s friend Cat Greenleaf invited Sam to come meet Bret recently when he was a guest on her show, Talk Stoop. Sam has had type 1 diabetes since he was 21 months old, he’s now a healthy, active, creative eight-year-old who’s learning to play electric guitar. Bret and Sam talked about a number of things – school, music, and, of course, living with diabetes. Sam showed Bret his continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump. Bret and Sam, like all who…

Read More Read More / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Tess Attends Diabetes Camp, Becomes Role Model To Others / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Tess Attends Diabetes Camp, Becomes Role Model To Others

Tess Anderson was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Labor Day 2008 at 8 years old. That didn’t break her spirit though. Instead she has been inspired to encourage others who also have diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to stop you from dreaming big as long as you take care of yourself first. Tess is a cyclist, and just completed a 35 mile Tour de Cure ride for her local ADA. Her, Team Tess has been a leading fundraiser for the 4 years since her…

Read More Read More / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Lisa’s Fight & The Gift Of Music / Life Rocks Foundation Story: Lisa’s Fight & The Gift Of Music

Dear Bret, Words will never repay you for the music you give us . Fighting horrible diseases like mine late stage Lyme disease sometimes I want to throw in the towel . I almost did, but something to believe in came on and you gave me something to believe in myself to keep fighting . You have battled diabetes since 6 years old than 2010 all that happened to you so I push myself to get better and when I…

Read More Read More / Life Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Michelle Gives Thanks / Life Rocks Foundation Featured Story: Michelle Gives Thanks

I want to first and foremost thank Bret for all his years of making some of the best rockin’ music of all time. I have been going to see him as frontman for Poison since I was in high school.I have collected his CD’s, I have enough merchandise that is priceless to me and have had the pleasure of meeting Bret. I couldn’t be more proud of him, he is an inspiration to all who suffer in one way or…

Read More Read More / Life Rocks Foundation Story / Life Rocks Foundation Story

At age 27 I became a part of the Type 1 diabetic community. In 2004 I awoke in an ER to an orderly checking my vitals. I was told that by text book definitions that I should not be living. I survived DKA. Since then I have devoted every thing I do to spreading awareness and helping newly diagnosed and informing the clueless about Diabetes. From participating in the Annual JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, becoming a board member of…

Read More Read More Rocks Foundation Story Rocks Foundation Story

Hi my name is Laurie and I have a story about my nephew who has type 1 diabetes. I call him my nephew but he is actually my cousin Tara’s son but we are very close. Justin was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of 7. He is now 14 and on an insulin pump. I admire his courage and strength for having to deal with this terrible disease day in and out. I too suffer from type 2…

Read More Read More Rocks Foundation Featured Story Rocks Foundation Featured Story

Life has blessed me with a wonderful family. My wife Starr has been my rock for over 20 years now. We’ve been through some difficult times over the years but she’s never given up on me. We have 4 incredible kids, Orion is 14 and starting High School next year, they grow up fast. Caelum is our special boy. He 12 and was diagnosed with Autism at age 5. He’s a great kid but has had many challenges in his…

Read More Read More Making A Difference Making A Difference

One of the goals of is to share stories of people who are out there making a big difference in the world. No matter what the cause, it is important to spotlight the people who fight, who raise awareness and who help those who suffer from illness or natural disaster.

Team Bret Michaels/Life Rocks Foundation Story: Lynn’s Positive Outlook

Team Bret Michaels/Life Rocks Foundation Story: Lynn’s Positive Outlook

I have had diabetes since I was five years old. The doctors told my parents that I probably wouldn’t live past 30 years old. Diabetes is a constant struggle for me because my blood sugars go up and down so quickly, but I made it to 30, and past that, and I am still going strong. I rock-climb, bike, kayak and I got my motorcycle license a few years ago. I will not let this disease stop me. I would…

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