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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Story: Kim Finds Hope For Her Daughter / Story: Kim Finds Hope For Her Daughter

Dear Bret, I just wanted to share with you a photo of my beautiful baby girl who just 2 weeks ago was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Her dad is also Type 1 for 23 years. I have been a Bret Michaels fan as long as I can remember and my little girl is also a huge fan 🙂 When she was first diagnosed, I was shattered. How do I explain to my little girl that she has to have…

Read More Read More / Story: Trina’s Dream Comes True / Story: Trina’s Dream Comes True

Dear Bret, My friend and I went to Nutty Jerry’s in Winnie, TX on June 22, 2013 to see your show. It’s about 2 hours from where we live and the show was great! My friend made it possible for me to meet you because she knew you were on my bucket list.  I have lung cancer and had my left lung was removed this past February 2013 and have been doing chemotherapy. You were so kind and we talked about you…

Read More Read More / Story: Courtney Returns From Diabetes Summer Camp / Story: Courtney Returns From Diabetes Summer Camp

Hello Bret, I am home from Camp Needlepoint and wanted to share a few pictures with you and tell you some of the things we did. The first thing we did when I got to camp was played a game to get to know each other. It was lots of fun because I had a new group of roomies this year that I did not know. We did archery, horseback riding, swimming, volleyball, tennis and had great bedtime snacks. I…

Read More Read More / Story: Makayla Returns From Diabetes Summer Camp / Story: Makayla Returns From Diabetes Summer Camp

Dear Bret, This was my 6th year of going to camp at camp Aldersgate where I had an amazing time! This year at camp my goal was to insert my own pump site and my mom was thrilled when she came to pick me up and I had done it all week! I know at camp I can be myself and no one judges me, we are all the same! I plan to become a counselor after my last year of camp, I want…

Read More Read More / Story: Colton Bikes To Beat Diabetes / Story: Colton Bikes To Beat Diabetes

Colton Nelson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes three years ago on 8/23/13. He was 12 years old at the time. Every year since, he has been involved in raising money for JDRF for research to find a cure. The first three years he has done the JDRF Walk for a Cure, but this year he stepped it up a notch. A very BIG notch. This year he participated in the JDRF 100 mile Bike for a Cure that was…

Read More Read More / Story: Jacob Gives Camp A 10 Rating / Story: Jacob Gives Camp A 10 Rating

My son, Jacob, just finished his first week ever at diabetes camp (Camp Daypoint in Hudson, WI), thanks to Bret and everyone at the Bret Michaels Life Rocks Foundation. When asked to rank his experience on a scale of 1-10, he gave it a 10 without hesitation. I think it is fabulous that you guys are giving this opportunity to these kids. Thank you so much! I’m attaching a picture I took tonight at camp when we went to pick…

Read More Read More / Story: Sophie Becomes Camp Counselor! / Story: Sophie Becomes Camp Counselor!

After Bret sent my daughter, Sophie (Johnson) to diabetes camp last year, she wrote him a thank you and promised to one day give back as well and become a camp counselor. Well that happened much faster than we planned! This year she was asked to apply as camp counselor and got it! As she is only 16, we thought it would be a few more years, but this week she is off taking care of 5, 6 and 7…

Read More Read More / Story: Alyssa Attends Diabetes Camp / Story: Alyssa Attends Diabetes Camp

On July 6, 2013, My friend who is a huge Bret Michaels fan found out the he was having a concert at a festival in Arlington Heights, Illinois and insisted that we go. So we got a babysitter for our children and off to the concert. My daughter Alyssa was upset that she was not going since she is also a big fan of Bret Michaels. She watched him on celebrity apprentice. She was amazed on his commitment to raising…

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