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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Story: Mary’s Story / Story: Mary’s Story

I have a condition called RSDS. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. I had a hip replacement 2012 and have had this horrible pain since then. What I thought was just surgery affects turned out to be rsds also known as crps chronic pain syndrome. It’s been over a year now and I can no longer walk on my own, I scream even when bathing when I touch my leg much less letting the Dr. Touch it. I wear a brace and…

Read More Read More / Story: Laura Shares Her Story To Raise Awareness / Story: Laura Shares Her Story To Raise Awareness

I am sharing my story to raise awareness for brain aneurysms, silent killers that many do not know about and are misdiagnosed as sinus infections and migraines. In 2006 my headaches changed so I had a MRA. I was diagnosed with my first brain aneurysm and a few weeks later had brain surgery in order to clip it to help prevent a rupture. After a year of recovery I ws able to return to work. Fatigue and headaches were daily…

Read More Read More / Story: Guardians Of The Children Thank Bret / Story: Guardians Of The Children Thank Bret

Dear Bret, I want to thank you for all you have done for my daughter Caitlyn and her organization (the Guardians of the Children). We did a meet and greet with you at the Emporium and of course even though it was her third meet and greet with you it was so amazing for her. I want to tell you her story and a little bit about what you mean to her. My daughter was the reason that we met…

Read More Read More / Story: Cherise Won’t Let Diabetes Stop Her / Story: Cherise Won’t Let Diabetes Stop Her

After suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for almost 12 years I reversed my disease. I did what they said was impossible. I was told I would have to learn how to live with this disease for the rest of my life. For me that was not an option. That is when I started studying about diabetes, the cause and cures, which is what led to learning about the body and proper nutrition in disease reversal. Before I could be diabetes…

Read More Read More / Story: Admiration Of A Wife For Her Husband / Story: Admiration Of A Wife For Her Husband

My story is a story of will, inspiration and hope. My husband Brad became ill in 2008 and since 2009 has not been able to eat any food, swim, shower or enjoy many of the things we do everyday and take for granite. He tries to be strong for the kids and I. He never lets his illness get in the way of being an incredible father and husband. He even cooks for us even though he will never be…

Read More Read More / Story: Linda’s Motivation Pays Off / Story: Linda’s Motivation Pays Off

My name is Linda and I am from a small town in Minnesota. When Bret played in Rochester, MN on April 24th, 2013 I finally had the chance to meet him. I will explain a bit to as why that was so important to me personally. I took a bad way in life and 9 years ago I was able to get things in order and be a great mother to my kids. Nine years ago my motivation was that if I was able to…

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Bret Michaels’ “Chance” Plush Toy is available now at PetSmart stores and online.

Bret Michaels’ “Chance” Plush Toy is available now at PetSmart stores and online.

The Bret Michaels’ “Chance” Plush Toy is back and available now at PetSmart stores and online? Can’t get to a store near you to pick one up? Click HERE or go online and order at today before these plush toys are gone! Chance is one of the many offerings of the Luv-A-Pet collection, from which 10% of each purchase goes to PetSmart Charities. / Story: Laura & Diane, Childhood Friends Reunited / Story: Laura & Diane, Childhood Friends Reunited

My name is Laura and this past August, my childhood friend Diane and I went to see Bret in Obetz, Ohio. We had grown up loving Poison! We were recently reunited and Diane just underwent a successful surgery for bone cancer so it only seemed right that to celebrate we meet Bret together! The music from your youth always holds a special place in your memories and Bret was a big part of those years for us. Even more special…

Read More Read More / Story: Cathy’s Courageous Breast Cancer Battle #PINKTOBER / Story: Cathy’s Courageous Breast Cancer Battle #PINKTOBER

Hi! I’m a longtime fan. I have battled breast cancer starting May 11, 2011. I had a double masectomy. I can’t have any reconstruction and recently I found out I carry the brca 2 gene and had to be opened up to remove my ovaries. I’m one month out from that surgery. Eleven days before I was diagnosed with breast cancer I lost my mother to a rare kidney cancer. I had been taking care of her when I found a lump. I refused…

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PINKTOBER coverage

PINKTOBER coverage

Last night, Bret Michaels helped the Hard Rock kick off PINKTOBER to raise awareness for breast cancer awareness. Here are links to press and photos: More to come! For more information about PINKTOBER, visit —— Flashback Friday Post: Here is coverage from last year’s PINKTOBER kick off (2012)”