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Tag: Team Bret Michaels / Story: A Mother’s Realization Her Son Is Diabetic / Story: A Mother’s Realization Her Son Is Diabetic

I will never forget the words that came out of my doctors mouth “What are you doing here? your son is dying” A few days before we had gone to the doctor to figure out what was wrong with my son. He was 18 months and a very sick little boy. He was peeing so much and drinking enough water for the whole family. He started to be sick every time he ate and the mood swings were out of…

Read More Read More / Story: Cindy Finds Strength & Inspiration / Story: Cindy Finds Strength & Inspiration

My name is Cindy and I am from Vancouver B.C. I really need to share my story with you. Beginning of May 2002 I was diagnosed with cancer which required very high doses of external radiation. 28 sessions to be exact and a final 20 hrs. of internal. All went well until a year to the date of being diagnosed, everything went downhill. May of /03 I ended up having a hematoma requiring my first surgery. Ever since, I have…

Read More Read More / Story: Laura’s Story Of Hope / Story: Laura’s Story Of Hope

I just have to share this! It is an amazing story of how we are all connected to help one another through. I had posted previously thanking Bret after my friend Diane and I met him in Obetz, Ohio and then again 1 month later in Orlando, Florida. Here is the chain reaction that took place… My childhood friend, Diane and I were reunited after many years. She was diagnosed with bone cancer in her arm and had a successful…

Read More Read More / Story: A Mother’s Plea For Son’s Happiness / Story: A Mother’s Plea For Son’s Happiness

My 8 year old son was diagnosed as type1 diabetic on Feb 23, 2013. He is doing better now that we have almost a year in but when we first found out he was diabetic it was very tough on him. He does not like this life and has just wanted to stop and be normal again. We are trying to keep him happy and safe but it is a struggle most days. He can get so unhappy and just…

Read More Read More / Story: Rachel Stays Strong Against Type 1 / Story: Rachel Stays Strong Against Type 1

My daughter Rachel was born a very healthy baby on feb 14, 2005 but on June 10 2006 our lives would change forever she was diagnosed with TYPE 1 diabetes at the very young age of 15 months old. Rachel is now almost 9 and she is strongest little girl I know, with all the finger pokes, needles lows and highs she’s has never once complained. I am fighting for a cure and will not stop fighting, over the past…

Read More Read More / Story: Dani Finds Inspiration & Hope To Dance Again After Injury / Story: Dani Finds Inspiration & Hope To Dance Again After Injury

I was a professional ballet dancer here in Cleveland for many years. After receiving an injury last year that caused me not to be able to dance and lose my job over therapy and all, I was at lowest of the lows in my life. On top of that, family illnesses and relationships ending, I was in such a dark rut, I never thought id be able to crawl out of it. My entire life had been turned upside down….

Read More Read More / Story: Holly’s Wish Becomes Reality / Story: Holly’s Wish Becomes Reality

In wild anticipation we waited in line to get our wrist bands for the Bret Michaels concert. Holly, our wish recipient who is battling multiple myeloma sat nervously tapping her toes awaiting her chance to meet her life long inspiration. Suddenly the venue fills with excitement, BRET MICHAELS appears rockin the sold out crowd. Holly smiled from ear to ear and her exhaustion turns to instant energy. We turn around and she is chair dancing supported by her two daughters. Holly…

Read More Read More / Story: A Mother Looks For Ways To Improve Lives / Story: A Mother Looks For Ways To Improve Lives

My son Colby who is seven was just diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes this past June, which has been the hardest thing we ever had to deal with, and living in the province, in Canada with the highest numbers of Type 1 is also a challenge as I find myself constantly looking for a way to make his life better or someway that we can improve all the lives of the kids here in Newfoundland. Terri / Story: Ellie Doesn’t Let Diabetes Get Her Down / Story: Ellie Doesn’t Let Diabetes Get Her Down

This is Ellie. She is 8 years old and was diagnosed on 3/2/10 with Type 1 diabetes. She is such a strong little girl who does NOT let diabetes get her down. She was so lucky this summer to meet Bret after one of his concerts in Illinois. We are so grateful for that and LOVE all that he does for diabetes awareness. Amy / Story: Heather Puts Up Her Dukes To Fight Cancer / Story: Heather Puts Up Her Dukes To Fight Cancer

I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer on January 14, 2013. At only being 41 years old at the time, I was shocked. The cancer was in my left breast and had invaded several lymph nodes under my left arm. Because of the fibrous tissue in my breasts, the tumor was not detected on the mammogram and not felt by my OB/GYN or general surgeon, but the enlarged lymph nodes were cause for concern. Only after an MRI, was…

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