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Tag: Stop Diabetes

Your Story: Kris Gunder

Your Story: Kris Gunder

Dear Bret, I wanted to thank you for the time you spent talking with my husband is Scottsdale, AZ. Our daughter was diagnosed at 20 months and is now 16 years old. We were given an opportunity for our daughter, Taylee to attend camp but at the time the opportunity came the camp was in session. Unfortunately next year she will be over 17yrs of age and the cut off age is 16 yrs. Our family would like to thank…

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Keturah’s Story

Keturah’s Story

My name is Keturah and I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic at the age of 3 and I am now 37. My road has been bumpy,but God is keeping me alive for some reason not yet known. My first hospital stay after my diagnosis was at age 10 and I had strep throat on top of my Glucometer malfunctioning. I was then switched from one shot of pork insulin to two shots of Humilin insulin. I did good…

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Your Story: Stephanie Cleveland

Your Story: Stephanie Cleveland

My son Thomas was diagnosed when he was 10 years old with diabetes. It has been a roller coaster ride with 2 life threatening emergencies where low blood sugar almost took his life and at least one time where high blood sugar hospitalized him in intensive care for 3 days. But through it all there has NEVER been one time where he has complained about his disease and now he is a father of a beautiful baby girl named Lian…

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Your Story: Scott Stewart

Your Story: Scott Stewart

When my daughter Lauren was diagnosed with Type 1 we didn’t really know what to do or even expect, she was only 8 years old. The thought of pricking fingers and injecting insulin was too much to comprehend. She is now 15 years old, a freshman @ El Dorado High in Kansas. We still struggle from time to time, but with camp we have built quite a support system. A few years ago, someone told me about the Tour de…

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Your Story: Jerry

Your Story: Jerry

Appreciation by Jerry Argenbright November 10, 2011 I have been living with type1 diabetes for 42 years, my youngest son has now had it for about 7 years. I really appreciate how Bret has brought out people who are fighting the battle every day. I loved his comment on the Doctors how you can go to the ocean and leave the waves, but you are always fighting to control your Diabetes. Keep up the great work Bret, my son and…

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Carson’s Story

Carson’s Story

by Stacey B, November 10, 2011 Greetings! A year ago, our son, Carson (Type 1 Diabetic since age 4), had the amazing opportunity to meet Bret on his 5th birthday on November 5. Bret and the entire Bret Michaels group made quite an impression on Carson and our entire family. Carson continues to talk about Bret and has said that one of the things he wants to do when he gets older is be a rockstar! He still continues to…

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Your Story: Judy Mcnamara

Your Story: Judy Mcnamara

Education by Judy Mcnamara November 7, 2011 This segment on the Doctors show this morning was very interesting. I hope that it helps others to understand the importance of keeping track of your blood sugar. Our grandson, age 7, was diagnosed in July of this year with type 1. There is so much education involved with the family, teachers, classmates, that it is unbeliveable. You cannot tell by looking at this otherwise healthy, active boy that there is anything wrong….

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Camp Kid Katie Ervin

Camp Kid Katie Ervin

We sent Katie to camp and she continues to raise awareness.   Katie, called to Congress by Katie Ervin I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2006 at the age of 8. Since my diagnoses I have tried to make the best out of a bad situation. My family and I decided that we really wanted to do everything we could to help raise funds to find a cure so that is what we are doing. In 2010 the…

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Madison is a type 1 diabetic and 2011 delegate to the Children’s Congress held June 2011 in Washington, D.C.

Madison is a type 1 diabetic and 2011 delegate to the Children’s Congress held June 2011 in Washington, D.C.

Madison, Diabetic and Delegate by Jackie and Madison Davis On page 24 of this newspaper online you can find a great picture and article regarding Madison meeting Bret at his concert and him paying for her to go to Camp. Here is some additional information as well as I have attached some other pictures. Madison has been selected as a 2011 Delegate to attend Children’s Congress in Washington D.C in June to advocate for a cure.  This is a…

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Inspired by Bret, here is a letter from Lisa about her diabetes story.

Inspired by Bret, here is a letter from Lisa about her diabetes story.

Thanks from a type 1 child’s mom! by Lisa Treese Hi Janna! You dont know me but I wanted to share a few things about my experience with having a child w/diabetes. I am a mom of 3 great boys…the youngest, Zachary, now 7, was diagnosed when he was 3. I couldnt believe my ears when we were told Zach was sick! I didnt even understand that we had to leave for Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh PA right at that…

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