/ Story: Fellow Diabetic Brady Meets Bret / Story: Fellow Diabetic Brady Meets Bret

My name is Tracey Logan and I live in Hattiesburg, MS. Bret played here this past Sunday, Oct. 6th. My son, Brady, is 11 and was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Needless to say, it was quite a kick in the gut! I am so happy to say that we did get to meet Bret at the meet and greet after the concert in Hattiesburg, MS. I  met Bret and mentioned to him that Brady was out in the parking lot. He said, “well go get him and bring him here”. He had one of his guys take me to get Brady and bring him to meet him and get his picture with him.

I cannot express how gracious Bret was to us and especially in speaking to Brady about diabetes. He was a class act! It was so good for Brady to see what a rock star like Bret can do and accomplish even with diabetes. I am so grateful to him for taking his time to talk to us and to get his picture made with Brady. Bret also told Brady that we need to get him to camp. I told him that I had emailed a guy named Patrick 🙂 and that I noticed the information about camp when I found your email on the foundation website. I will have to read up more about camp. I would love for Bret to know how much I appreciate his time with me and Brady that night. Please pass this information along to him. Can’t wait until I get to see him again in concert!! He truly rocked!

Great show and great guy!

Tracey Logan
(A very grateful mom of a diabetic child)

photo 1

Bret and Brady

photo 2

Bret and Tracey

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