Story: A Mother’s Strength For Daughter’s Diabetes Fight
My daughter Chloe who was 7 years old at the time she was diagnosed with T1 on 11-10-2013. It was the worst day of my life. That weekend Chloe seemed like she was getting the flu, unfortunately we ended up in the ER Sunday morning with her BG being over 700. The ER doc told us he couldn’t do anymore that she needed to get to a children’s hospital, so away we went to U of M Children’s Mott’s hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.
That morning I almost lost my daughter to a diabetic coma. She was admitted & spent the first 24 hours in NICU pediatric diabetic ward. Finally she was moved to the pediatric diabetic floor for another 3 days before she was able to go home. My heart broke for my daughter on our 1st day home. As I was taking her sugar & getting ready to give her a shot for dinner, she turned to me & asked “when can I stop getting poked & shots?”, it just about broke my heart to tell her that she has to do that for life. She also asked “why did she get diabetes?”, I told her “God thought she was strong & brave and can handle what comes her way.”
It has now been 2-1/2 years and she finally graduated to an insulin pump. We go for her 6 week checkup on the 20th.
Chloe is healthy & thriving.
Thanks for letting me tell or story. – Christine
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