Our Rescue Story…The Pinky Lee Nine. By Janna and Christine

We’ve shared the posts and photos of Bret’s many rescue stories, but we have a few of our own.
Over the years we’ve rescued some cats and dogs, too. Stray dogs, and a few cats, are an issue in many parts of the country, but especially in the semi-rural area that we live in. We live on one of those roads that makes it easy to leave a dog and hope that someone takes it in.
It seems that we rescued a new animal every year that we’ve lived here, some we’ve taken in and added to our family, some we’ve taken to rescues. All kinds of dogs, from mixed breeds to bully breeds, we’ve made sure that no dog starves or gets left out in the cold. We’ve taken in abandoned kittens and even a cat with feline leukemia that got to enjoy his short time with a loving family.
This year we took in a beautiful girl named we named Pinky Lee. She had been hanging around for a while before we decided to give her a safe, warm place for the cold nights. Pinky didn’t come alone, a couple weeks later we had nine more little mouths to feed. Pinky had nine adorably cute puppies that are now almost seven weeks old.
Our rescue story happened because we care about the animals, not only in our own home, but in our neighborhood as well. It just so happened that this particular rescue story came with a big commitment to making sure that those nine little puppies and their mama not only survived, but found loving forever homes.
In just a few short weeks, our rescue story starts its next chapter as we carefully place each of the puppies and their mama with their new families. In the meantime, the Pinky Lee Nine are growing up in a loving environment and that is the best part of this rescue story. You can follow their story on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/PinkyLeeNine) and Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/pinkylee9).
We want you to share your rescue stories, to share the joy of making a difference in an animal’s life during this season of giving. There is no greater reward that giving a loving home to a pet in need.
Visit the campaign page here: http://www.bretmichaels.com/RescueStory/bretsrescuestory.html
Submit your rescue story here: http://teambretmichaels.com/submityourstory.html