/ Story: A sister’s love and support / Story: A sister’s love and support

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to share my sister Mary’s story. My sister Mary has really shown me what strength is all about. Mary was diagnosed with cancer after having her daughter and went through chemo therapy and radiation, she has been in remission for several years. Recently my sister had been having heart issues and underwent open heart surgery at the age of 43, Mary now has an artificial valve which has helped the blood flow properly. After my sister underwent open heart surgery it was brought to her attention she was diabetic. I commend my sister so much for being brave and never giving up. Although she has had one thing after another challenge her she has never gave up! I’m posting this picture of my sister with Bret from Riverside California. I flew her to see him in concert and surprised her with VIP passes, I thought she was going to pass out, lol.

Bret will be coming to Oregon on February 8th at Spirit Mountain Casino and we will be attending his show for sure! What a great surprise if she could only meet up with him again and get some diabetic pointers.

Hey sis, I love you!



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