/ Life Rocks Foundation Featured Story!
My 13yr old son was diagnosed with T1D on 4/21/12. As you know, our lives
have been turned upside down. A fellow T1 mom and I have just filed a
petition to revise the names of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes to more
accurately reflect the nature of each disease. We tried to do this in a way
that benefits both the T1 and T2 communities. We sincerely hope that we have
accomplished our goal to make this petition benefit all of us. We are very
excited to share that Dr. Camillo Ricordi of the DRI has signed our petition
and is promoting it on his FB page! We are 48hrs into this and have 400 signatures.
We just might be on the way to making change happen!
Our hope is to bring positive change into the lives of the over 3 million children
and adutls living with T1D.
– Jamie Perez